Plastic or green future?

Your decision, package by package

How to response to the challenges of climate change and changing world market? The overall carbon footprint for the manufacturing of recycled products is lower than with any other materials used for similar purposes.  Customer-oriented service is the core of our business and we are always ready to help you achieve the extra value you aspire.

Ecopulp Vision

With new ideas and intelligent solutions we create a packaging future in accordance with sustainable development. We help our clients to create new, high quality and long term packaging solutions which have a positive overall impact to society and environment.

For Ecopulp responsibility isn't just words but rather every day life. The challenges of the customer are our challenges as well. During the last decade we have e.g. replaced foam in inner packaging protection already by millions of kilograms. With what we offer there is a purpose to produce benefits for the customer with carbon footprint, new ideas, intelligent solutions and with everything we do. Responsibility guides all of our supply chain. Besides products, the acquiring of raw materials, closed water circulations, new manufacturing machinery, heat capturing, a new bio power plant and the delivery methods to customers keep our effects on the environment and our carbon footprint at minimum.

Our values:

We give a positive overall impact to society and environment.

We challenge ourselves and current solutions with a great passion.

We help this planet by sharing our expertise.

We overcome every obstacle together.

Our goal is to remain as a trustworthy company, which specializes in ecological packaging. We develop and produce even more unique packaging solutions world wide in the future.

We are strongly committed to help our clients with their goals of sustainable deveploment. 

Environmental policy: 

We work according to the ISO 9001 and 14001 sertificates.

Our goals for the year 2026:

  • 100 % of the products that we make are recyclable and compostable.
  • 100 % of the raw material that we use is either recycled or renewable wood fibre. 
  • 100 % of the electrical energy we consume is renewable.
  • >80 % of the heat energy we consume is produced from our own bio power plant.
  • 20 % decrease in our energy consumption (kWh/h) with intelligent solutions.

Where does all the plastic go?


  • Over 100 million tonnes of plastic is being produced, of which 80% is being buried under ground.
  • 10 % ends up in the oceans, which enormous garbage patches (5 in total) are all gigantic, even bigger than Finland.
  • The patches can be 10 meters thick and they grow every day.
  • An estimated one million sea birds die of plastic annually and close to 1 000 000 sea turtles and sea mammals such as seals,  sea lions, whales or dolphins suffer the same fate.

The casted fibre products can composted after use. Their main raw material is wood fibre and they can be transformed into soil during the compost process. Our products don't have negative effects on the compost process or to the quality of the compost.